David Gilsvik, Painter
I hope you'll join me at my historic log studio on this year's Lake Superior 20/20 Art Tour. For just three days -- September 22 - 24, I'll have an opportunity to greet you in the surroundings that inspire me. For many years I worked in the world of commercial art, but the past fifteen years has sent me in another direction. While hiking, canoeing, or snowshoeing, scenes reveal themselves that await my palette. I am drawn to the power of light and shadow, water and skies. During the 20/20 Art Tour, I invite you to come by and see my workspace. I'll have a number of new, original paintings and prints for you to select from. Sivertson Gallery (Grand Marais), features my original oils and prints year 'round.
This year I'll be joined again by fiber artist, Sue Stavig of Minnesota Hug. Sue shares my passion for light and color, interpreted in wearable knitted art. Sue will be returning to this year's Tour, along with her popular cookies!
The world of nature has always been my world of choice. My method is to simply observe nature and pay attention, both to the nature in front of me and the nature inside of me. I guess I have some faith that if an idea or image is interesting to me,
it is probably interesting to someone else as well.